As an education leader you care about making your schools better. And you know that evaluations are the key to improvement.
But evaluations are a pain.
You can never find the files you need. You can’t keep track of feedback. Gathering everything to share with an evaluator takes ages. All that chaos makes it impossible to stay on track and check progress. You need a better way to do evaluations. You need ClassLink Audit Center.
ClassLink Audit Center helps you simplify and streamline the entire process, so you can turn evaluation pain into evaluation gain.
From creation to evaluation, ClassLink Audit Center helps you complete your big, strategic projects. With one central place to organize, access, and share evidence, you can achieve your goals in record time.
Organize and store all your evidence (including files and feedback) in one platform
Easily share and upload evidence, add comments, and mark criteria as complete
With everything in one place, tracking progress and hitting deadlines is a breeze
Store documentation in a secure platform and only grant access to authorized users
Invite your team, assign roles, and link them to evaluations for seamless collaboration
Invite external evaluators to securely complete reviews in the platform
Address the obstacles schools traditionally face during audits and watch your happy teams take an organized, streamlined path to success.
Complete evaluations the easy way. Choose or create an audit that fits your needs. Add your team members. Gather evidence like a pro. Then, watch the progress flow. You’ll never wonder if you’re on track to meet your evaluation deadline, and you can even invite evaluators to join the platform for a seamless handoff.
Organize and save all your criteria, evidence, and comments into one secure platform. No more searching for files or digging for comments buried in documents. Instead, set yourself up to breeze through this and future evaluations. Even when teams change, institutional wisdom remains so you don’t lose momentum on the expressway to school success.
Use the Cybersecurity Rubric (CR) to start an education-focused cybersecurity evaluation in your school. ClassLink Audit Center will launch with the CR loaded and ready for schools to use. Watch the video to see how the CR can help your school become more cyber-secure.
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Read the latest news and updates about ClassLink Audit Center.
We've added a new feature to ClassLink Audit Center just in time for the busy transition between school years. The new Back to School (BTS) Checklist in Audit Center helps your school district be more efficient and organized during one of the busiest (and most chaotic) times of the school year.
As leaders, we have big goals for our schools. We want to protect private data, ensure equitable access to learning, increase operational efficiencies, and loads more. But to achieve these goals, we need a clear and accurate picture of the current situation and a roadmap for improvement.
Education technology leaders ClassLink, ENA by Zayo and Security Studio have pioneered a cybersecurity initiative to help schools become cyber-secure. The initiative is set to revolutionize the way K-12 schools approach cybersecurity, making it more accessible and affordable.