Over 22 million students and staff securely access digital resources while keeping their data safe with ClassLink.
Now is your chance to join them—with the Federal Communications Commission's new cybersecurity funding.
The Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program (SLCPP) will provide $200 million to help schools enhance school cybersecurity.
Download our expert guide today to prepare for the upcoming application window September 17, 2024, to November 1, 2024—and increase school cybersecurity with this funding.
ClassLink Is
for SLCPP Funding
If your school, library, or consortia meets E-Rate program eligibility, you can apply to the SLCPP. (However, prior participation in the E-Rate program is not required.)
While funding is limited, we encourage all eligible schools and districts to apply to shape the FCC's future decisions on cybersecurity funding.
Total Funding: $200 million
Per Applicant Funding:
The application process begins September 17, 2024, and ends November 1, 2024 and will be similar to the E-Rate process, with competitive bidding and USAC administration.
Register to attend one of the USAC's informational webinars to learn more.
The average cost of ClassLink for a mid-sized school district is $3.50 per user/per year.
ClassLink qualifies under Category 3: "Identity Protection and Authentication" in the Eligible Services List. By choosing ClassLink, you ensure that your cybersecurity solutions meet FCC requirements for the Cybersecurity Pilot Program funding.
Show list of applicable Category 3 Services as written by the FCC
Receive a letter from E-Rate experts explaining how ClassLink qualifies as an Eligible Service under the SLCPP.
Service providers must have an FCC assigned Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN).
ClassLink Identity and Access Management meets the stringent requirements of the SLCPP program's eligible services list. As a founding signatory of the Secure by Design cybersecurity pledge, ClassLink is proven to provide products that are secure-by-design and secure-by-default.
Watch our webinar and access a free application guide to help save you time and maximize your chances of securing funding for the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program.