ClassLink Unveils Advanced Threat Detection at CyberSession 2025

ClassLink, a global leader in education technology, made groundbreaking announcements at CyberSession 2025, unveiling its latest innovation—Advanced Threat Detection—designed to protect schools from ever-evolving digital threats.

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Press Release

ClassLink Wins 3 Best of 2024 Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence

Tech & Learning recently named ClassLink the winner of the Best of 2024 Awards for the complete ClassLink Suite in all three categories–Primary Education, Secondary Education, and Higher Education. Industry experts meticulously reviewed hundreds of nominations to identify standout products that significantly impacted education in 2024.

Media Coverage

Leading the Charge: Navigating Change in Edtech Leadership

In the dynamic world of education, where technology continuously evolves, the role of an EdTech leader is not just to keep up but to lead the charge. My mantra, “If we were to start over, would we start like this?” guides every decision I make. It challenges me to evaluate systems and strategies critically.

Media Coverage

FETC25: Data Masking to Protect Schools from Data Theft

By creating “fake” versions of their data to interface with ed-tech vendors, school districts can limit what kinds of personally identifiable information those companies have in the event they experience a data breach. To some cybersecurity experts, the data breach of PowerSchool earlier this month fit an emerging pattern.

Press Release

ClassLink Joins the AWS Partner Network

ClassLink, a global education provider of identity, access, and analytics products, announced today that they have joined the Amazon Web Services Partner Network (APN). The APN is a global community of Amazon Web Services Partners that leverage programs, expertise, and resources to build, market, and sell customer offerings.

Press Release

ClassLink Unveils Advanced Threat Detection at CyberSession 2025

ClassLink, a global leader in education technology, made groundbreaking announcements at CyberSession 2025, unveiling its latest innovation—Advanced Threat Detection—designed to protect schools from ever-evolving digital threats.

Media Coverage

Tech & Learning: The AI Playbook

As AI has exploded into the education arena, it has brought hundreds of new apps, platforms, and teaching tools with it. Consequently, trying to sort the useful and effective (and COPPA- and FERPA-compliant) ones from the ones less so has become a major challenge.

Press Release

ClassLink and RTM Honor 2024 EdTech All-Stars at East Education Congress

Since 2018, ClassLink and RTM have proudly celebrated EdTech All-Stars—leaders in the education technology field who are committed to enhancing teaching and learning. While many in the education community work tirelessly to advance their schools and professional development, EdTech All-Stars set the bar even higher.

Media Coverage

Leading Education & Technology Companies Commit to Ensuring AI is Safe, Accountable, Fair and Effective

Today, the EDSAFE AI Alliance, the leading cross-sector voice for the responsible and safe adoption and use of AI in education, announces that its EDSAFE AI Industry Council (IC) has grown to more than 100 member companies since launching in the spring.

Press Release

ClassLink Celebrates Innovation and Excellence in Data at CLAS 2024

Last week, ClassLink hosted the fourth annual ClassLink Learning Analytics Summit (CLAS), where experts shared their insights on transforming data into actionable strategies. During the closing session on October 3, we celebrated the outstanding achievements of individuals and teams who exemplified excellence in leveraging data for education.

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