New Partner Announcement: Typesy

April 15, 2019
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ClassLink Announces Strategic Partnership with Typesy for Schools

Clifton, NJ – April 15, 2019 – ClassLink, the leader in single sign-on, class rostering, learning resource analytics, and account provisioning announced a strategic partnership with Typesy to provide one-click access to their lessons, games, and exercises that help students type faster and more efficiently. Typesy’s program also includes detailed video instruction that clearly explains the correct way to place your hands and hit every key with speed and accuracy.

The pairing of the two companies is ideal; both seek to maximize the learning potential of every student. ClassLink empowers students and teachers around the world with instant access to their learning resources. ClassLink® Launchpad includes a library of over 6,000 single sign-on apps and instant links to file folders at school and on Google, Office 365, and Dropbox cloud drives. Typesy supports a student with progress reports that note words per minute and adjusted words per minute, which factors in how many errors you make. This kind of feedback is crucial in figuring out weak spots and addressing them through repeated exercises.

“We are honored to be working with ClassLink, and look forward to a productive partnership,” said Marc Slater, eReflect’s CEO. Slater continued, “With ClassLink, Typesy will be more user-friendly, take far less time to set up, and be more effective – something that is consistent with our core values of improving the customer’s life and creating a flawless experience. For us, working with Classlink was a ‘no brainer’ and we look forward to ongoing mutual success.”
— Marc Slater, eReflect, CEO

In addition to its award-winning single sign-on solution, school districts and higher education institutions using ClassLink have access to ClassLink Roster Server, a robust class rostering solution that enables fast, secure delivery of rosters directly into digital learning applications, including those offered by Typesy.

“We’re pleased to deepen our relationship with Typesy and empower their users with one-click access to keyboarding curriculum. Educators and students benefit from the opportunity to leverage technologies like Typesy faster, easier, and with greater security. This relationship signals our shared commitment to making that happen.”
— Patrick Devanney, VP of Interoperability Services, ClassLink

About ClassLink

ClassLink is a global education provider of identity and analytics products that create more time for learning and help schools better understand digital engagement. As leading advocates for open data standards, we offer instant access to apps and files with single sign-on, streamline class rostering, automate account provisioning, and provide actionable analytics. ClassLink empowers 22 million students and staff in over 3,000 school systems. Visit to learn more.

About ClassLink



Typesy is developed, published and sold by eReflect. Founded in 2006, eReflect is a world leader in education and self -improvement software. Typesy is the leading premium keyboarding program used by top schools and districts nationwide. It has a comprehensive keyboarding curriculum with easy setup and administration and has a powerful student monitoring and reporting system. Learn more at

ClassLink is a trademark of ClassLink, Inc.