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Colorado District 49

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District 49 Uses Single Sign-On to Support Blended Learning

The Challenge

District 49 is a school system in eastern Colorado Springs.  With 22 campuses including a high-performing blended learning school, management of usernames and passwords became too cumbersome for students, teachers, and staff to continue.  The district trialed in-house single sign-on but quickly recognized the need for a more versatile and flexible third-party solution.

Choosing ClassLink

After speaking with fellow Colorado districts, District 49 chose ClassLink to provide their users with a single sign-on experience that would allow access to school programs and network files from any device and any location.  The culmination of easy access and quick, efficient set-up enabled the district to lessen the burden of managing passwords, freeing teachers and IT staff to focus on tasks that actually matter.

ClassLink was first rolled out at the Springs Studio for Academic Success (SSAE), District 49’s blended learning environment offering educational opportunities for students all over the state of Colorado. Due to the blended learning model, the need to organize digital learning resources and create a consistent, simple way for students and teachers to access those applications, was key.

The Outcome

The SSAE community is benefiting from single sign-on. Parents, students, and teachers now log in to their digital learning environment with ease. With a single username and password, students enter ClassLink Launchpad and a dashboard view of all their available resources. No more guessing which applications are approved. Password reset inquiries have dropped dramatically, giving the district more freedom to focus on fidelity of application use, something David Knoche, Principal at Springs Studio for Academic Success shared as the next essential step.

“I would encourage any Principal or school leader to consider single sign-on.”

David Knoche
Spring Studio for Academic Excellence, D49